Going through a green when turning left from Faunce Corner Road to Route 6 in Dartmouth becomes a game of chicken after about six cars make the turn.
Getting stuck in the intersection is an all too common occurrence. Then, cars trying to go straight northbound start honking and yelling profanities at the cars anxiously waiting with nowhere to go until another traffic light changes, and MassDOT knows all about it.
There is a 10.5 million dollar plan to redo Route 6 from the Faunce Corner Road intersection to Hathaway Road, about a half mile of road. It will receive synchronized traffic lights, a new intersection, a rebuilt bridge and other upgrades.
Officials say this will make the roadway safer, but residents are not convinced the MassDOT plan is the best choice.
At a public hearing in March residents said they wanted a plan the town wouldn't pay for. Read about it here.
On July 17 MassDOT presented at a Select Board meeting and they still think their plan will do the job. Read about it here.
The MassDOT plan that does not reroute any roads has comparable traffic to the plan where Tucker Road is moved. Red is high traffic, yellow is medium and green is no traffic.